We don't accept
Currency, Gold, Silver & Diamonds
Alcoholic Beverages / Liquid Items (All formats) Pornography Materials
Drugs/Narcotic Substances
Antiques (Without Proper Supporting Document)
Live Animals
Explosives, Military Equipments, Firearms
Tobacco & Tobacco Products
Human Corpses / Human Organs
Note: Commodities banned and restricted by law
DGI-Dangerous Goods Items
Class 1: Explosives
Class 2: Gases
Class 3: Flammable liquids
Class 4: Flammable Solids
Class 5: Oxidizers and Organic Peroxides
Class 6: Toxic & Infectious Substances
Class 7:Radioactive material
Class 8: Corrosives
Class 9:Miscellaneous by law
Definition: Commodities, which possess potentially hazardous characteristics. These are as laid out by IATA in the Dangerous Goods. The categories are listed above.